I'm using the vanilla JS script list.js and am trying to implement a custom sorting function.
I have been using the sort
method from the List API without issues for normal sorting, however need to create a custom sort for a couple of situations, however because he never provided an example I'm unsure how to do it.
For example I have this code:
var options = {
valueNames: [ 'date', 'amount', 'company', 'name' ]
// Instantiate our list
var myList = new List('mylist', options);
// Set our default sort
myList.sort('date', {order: "desc"});
// Control our own sorting via the links
$('a.sort').on('click', function(event) {
// Prevent default action
var element = $(event.target);
// Get sorting method
var method = element.attr('data-sort');
// Work out what way we want to order the results
switch (method) {
case 'date':
case 'amount':
var order = 'desc';
case 'company':
case 'name':
var order = 'asc';
var order = 'desc';
// Sort the data
myList.sort(method, {order: order, sortFunction: function(a, b, options){
return false; // IE 8
He never stated the expected signature for the function, but I worked out it has 3 parameters filled with data, the first two seem to contain elements from within the sorting list and the third has options of some kind.
I have read about using custom sorting functions but unsure how to complement them here.
One example of a sort we would need is that we have a list of dates, such as:
It should sort by highest number first (in this case 2015) then season in this order first to last: winter, fall, spring/summer.
Is it possible to make a custom sort for stuff like that and if so how can it be implemented with this script?
The sorting function should return a negative number if a
should come before b
, 0 if it shouldn't be changed, or a positive number if b
should come before a
. Here is one possible implementation, assuming the date is a predictable string with the format YYYY {{season}}
// Putting the season in the keys for ease of use and assigning them values so we know which one comes first.
var seasonMap = {
'Spring/Summer': 0,
Winter: 1,
Fall: 2
var order = 'asc'; // ascending or descending
function sortFunction(a, b) {
var coefficient = order === 'asc' ? 1 : -1; // If the order you pass it is 'asc', the a positive coefficient will retain this function's ascending sorting order; otherwise it will invert this function.
// Convert the dates into arrays by splitting them by a space ' '
var aDateComponents = a._values.date.split(' '),
bDateComponents = b._values.date.split(' ');
// The 0th value of the array is the year; additionally convert it into a Number instead of a String
var aYear = Number(aDateComponents[0]),
bYear = Number(bDateComponents[0]);
// The 1st value of the array is the season; look up the value from the map object we created in the beginning so we know which season comes after which
var aSeasonNumber = seasonMap[aDateComponents[1]],
bSeasonNumber = seasonMap[bDateComponents[1]];
if (aYear !== bYear) {
// return aYear - bYear. If a > b this will put a after b. The coefficient will invert it if we're sorting descending.
return coefficient * (aYear - bYear);
if (aSeasonNumber !== bSeasonNumber) {
// Same thing here. Since the season was mapped to a number, we know which season comes first and can return a positive or negative difference.
return coefficient * (aSeasonNumber - bSeasonNumber);
// Don't change the order otherwise.
return 0;
You should also validate the date string first, and check if it's a valid season.