When debugging a c++ solution in Visual Studio 2010, It says "No symbols have been loaded for this document." And when I check in debug / modules / <dll I cant debug>.dll / symbol load information
It is looking for a pdb with the wrong name.
So, where can I set the name of the symbol it is looking for? I looked all through the command line options, and I can't find such a name anywhere.
I've tried to do a rebuild, a clean + build, but neither helped.
There are two places in which .pdb information is collected
1) C++/Output Files/Program Database Filename
2) Linker/Debugging/Generate Program Database file
By default, 2 is set but 1 is normally set to v100.pdb (for VS2010). If both these files are set to point to the same file, then you should get the symbolic information.