I'm making an app with dynamic content loader, it's load the content via ajax then change the DOM. I have a structure/schema, my question is how can I to concatenate the strings, I want to keep my code "indentated" for make it easly readable...
How can I achieve that? I need some special scape character or sort of?
You can escape the newline character at the end of each line with a \
, though it's generally considered bad practice (because it's very easy to miss an escape in maintaining the code.)
var page = '\
<div class="row well">\
<div class="row info-block">\
<div class="col-xs-4 logo-container">\
' + logo + '\
What you really want is ES6 template strings, though:
var page = `
<div class="row well">
<div class="row info-block">
<div class="col-xs-4 logo-container">
Template strings allow multiline strings by default and support interpolation (the ${logo}
Note: there is a difference between the two resulting strings. In the newline-escaped string, the newlines are actually not a part of the resulting string; whereas, they are in the template string example.