Search code examples

Individuals across time with missing data and gaps

Cleaning data methods where an individual may or may not exists in a time period. I want to look at the individuals over time they might exists in the first time period or start in a time period other than the first. Individuals may have no data after a certain point, or have gaps in the data. Gaps in the data might not have a row of NAs, but instead might be missing entirely from the dataset. I want to be able to keep individuals that appear 'n' consecutive times, and have fewer than 'n' gaps in time(or by specific column name).

Drop variable in panel data in R conditional based on a defined number of consecutive observations

The question above is similar to mine. However there are some periods where I have no data instead of all NAs. That is why counting NAs is not enough, I looked into measure the distance in time. It would have to reset for each group, and be difficult for groups not starting in t=1.

data[sample(1:100, 40),]<-NA
data1 <- data.table(id = rep(1:10, each = 10),
           time = seq(1,10),
           x  = rnorm(100),
           z = rnorm(100))
data2a<-subset(data2,row<55|row>62 )
data3<-data2a[-sample(nrow(data2a), 5)]
    x freq
1   1   10
2   2   10
3   3   10
4   4    8
5   5   10
6   6    4
7   7    7
8   8    9
9   9   10
10 10    9

If I wanted gaps=0 and each id to have at least 5 observations. Then I would only keep ids 1,2,3,5,7,9,10. Since all of these groups have gaps=0 and I would also drop id 6, since it only has 4 observations.

Please also let me know where you learned the method, so I can follow that to learn more.

The out put:

data[sample(1:100, 40),]<-NA
data1 <- data.table(id = rep(1:10, each = 10),
                time = seq(1,10),
                x  = rnorm(100),
                z = rnorm(100))
data2a<-subset(data2,row<55|row>62 )
data3<-data2a[-sample(nrow(data2a), 5)]
dt2<-subset(dt, x!=6 &x!=4)
dta<-data3[data3$id %in% dt2$x,]
dt3<-subset(dta, id!=8 |time < 7)
  id time           x           z           y row
  1:  1    1  1.17085642  0.21083288 -0.84085548   1
  2:  1    2  0.88484486 -0.03329921          NA   2
  3:  1    3 -1.31788860  2.02519699          NA   3
  4:  1    4 -1.64325094 -0.37078675  0.07014277   4
  5:  1    5  1.05925039 -1.57823445          NA   5
  6:  1    6  0.29008358 -0.12157195          NA   6
  7:  1    7 -0.40003350 -1.79667682          NA   7
  8:  1    8  1.24309578 -0.47559154 -0.63537131   8
  9:  1    9 -1.36641052 -0.88410232 -0.28577363   9
 10:  1   10 -1.44141330 -3.49805898          NA  10
 11:  2    1  1.34854906 -0.38198337          NA  11
 12:  2    2 -1.97852834  0.97768813          NA  12
 13:  2    3 -1.24095058 -0.55804095          NA  13
 14:  2    4 -0.10403913 -0.62645515          NA  14
 15:  2    5  0.73297296 -0.53045123 -1.07176004  15
 16:  2    6  0.45567962  1.89762159 -0.13898614  16
 17:  2    7  0.28807955  1.39554068 -0.59731309  17
 18:  2    8 -1.07369091 -0.74602587          NA  18
 19:  2    9  0.64874254 -0.30557308          NA  19
 20:  2   10  0.29916228  1.16967817 -0.25935541  20
 21:  3    1 -0.79599499  0.30438718  0.90051195  21
 22:  3    2 -0.02935340 -0.11749825  0.94186939  22
 23:  3    3  2.18023570 -0.06008553  1.46796190  23
 24:  3    4  0.95741847  1.47093895          NA  24
 25:  3    5 -0.30504863 -1.47814761  0.81900893  25
 26:  3    6 -0.41840334 -0.68361295 -0.29348185  26
 27:  3    7  0.09995405  0.46054060          NA  27
 28:  3    8 -0.22980962 -0.18150193          NA  28
 29:  3    9 -1.41521488 -1.15881631 -0.65708209  29
 30:  3   10 -0.39259886  0.40901892 -0.85279544  30
 31:  5    1 -2.62134481 -1.45565758  1.55006037  41
 32:  5    2  2.24625462  0.09378492          NA  42
 33:  5    3  0.09343168  0.98234922          NA  43
 34:  5    4  1.62728009 -0.59671016          NA  44
 35:  5    5 -0.51091755  0.07480485          NA  45
 36:  5    6 -0.65938084  2.19742943  0.56222336  46
 37:  5    7 -0.04019016  0.79502321 -0.88700851  47
 38:  5    8 -0.11869400 -0.53894221 -0.46024458  48
 39:  5    9 -0.01965686 -1.60128318 -0.72432849  49
 40:  5   10 -0.48567849 -0.73137357          NA  50
 41:  7    4  0.97438263  0.96691960  0.49636154  64
 42:  7    5 -1.26447348 -0.42332730 -0.76005793  65
 43:  7    6 -0.27742142 -0.83159945 -0.34138627  66
 44:  7    7 -0.18939869  1.39995727 -2.10232912  67
 45:  7    8 -0.38402495  0.01701396          NA  68
 46:  7    9  0.74058802  1.84749695          NA  69
 47:  7   10 -1.16833839 -0.68633938 -0.27966611  70
 48:  8    1  0.66753870 -0.21872403 -0.20409732  71
 49:  8    2  0.36623695  0.68259291 -0.22561419  72
 50:  8    3 -0.51494299  0.52413002          NA  73
 51:  8    4  0.45056824  0.08054998          NA  74
 52:  8    5 -0.18772038  0.05378554          NA  75
 53:  8    6  1.33906937 -0.73725899          NA  76
 54:  9    1 -0.11367818  1.21014609          NA  81
 55:  9    2 -0.29510083  0.18865716          NA  82
 56:  9    3  0.98916847  1.96249867  0.97552910  83
 57:  9    4 -0.77513181  0.13871194          NA  84
 58:  9    5  0.27589827 -1.57862735  0.67568448  85
 59:  9    6  0.41078165 -0.79702127          NA  86
 60:  9    7  0.61118316  1.22435388  2.38723265  87
 61:  9    8  0.93657072 -0.36533356 -0.47343201  88
 62:  9    9 -0.36754170 -0.16259028 -0.07577256  89
 63:  9   10  0.74037676  0.56047918          NA  90
 64: 10    2  0.62913443  1.23863449 -1.06241117  92
 65: 10    3  0.52774631  0.76743575  0.55703387  93
 66: 10    4 -0.47225530 -1.08740911  0.90073058  94
 67: 10    5  0.82371516  0.06750377  0.98994568  95
 68: 10    6 -0.42778825  1.60514057  0.38360809  96
 69: 10    7 -0.14264393  1.23222943 -0.34658381  97
 70: 10    8  1.41878305 -0.37911379 -0.54018925  98
 71: 10    9  0.48713390 -1.34986658 -0.18255559  99
 72: 10   10  0.60344145  0.36491810          NA 100


  • Try package dplyr and use this script:

     data3 %>% 
          data.frame() %>% # seems that with data.tables the group_by is lost after mutate
          group_by(id) %>% 
          mutate(time_lag_1 = lag(time),
                 time_diff = time-time_lag_1,
                 N = n()) %>%
          summarise(max_time_diff = max(time_diff, na.rm=T),
                    N = unique(N)) %>%
          filter(max_time_diff == 1 &
                 N >= 5)

    A little bit of explanation about how it works.

    The first part:

    data3 %>% 
      data.frame() %>% 
      group_by(id) %>% 
      mutate(time_lag_1 = lag(time),
             time_diff = time-time_lag_1,
             N = n())

    Calculates columns "time_lag_1" (shifted column "time") so you can compare the times of 2 consecutive rows (store the difference in column "time_diff") and calculates the number of observations of each "id". Of course, you have to group by "id" first:

        # id time           x           z          y row time_lag_1 time_diff  N
    # 1   1    1  1.17085642  0.21083288 -0.84085548   1         NA        NA 10
    # 2   1    2  0.88484486 -0.03329921          NA   2          1         1 10
    # 3   1    3 -1.31788860  2.02519699          NA   3          2         1 10
    # 4   1    4 -1.64325094 -0.37078675  0.07014277   4          3         1 10
    # 5   1    5  1.05925039 -1.57823445          NA   5          4         1 10
    # 6   1    6  0.29008358 -0.12157195          NA   6          5         1 10
    # 7   1    7 -0.40003350 -1.79667682          NA   7          6         1 10
    # 8   1    8  1.24309578 -0.47559154 -0.63537131   8          7         1 10
    # 9   1    9 -1.36641052 -0.88410232 -0.28577363   9          8         1 10
    # 10  1   10 -1.44141330 -3.49805898          NA  10          9         1 10
    # 11  2    1  1.34854906 -0.38198337          NA  11         NA        NA 10
    # 12  2    2 -1.97852834  0.97768813          NA  12          1         1 10
    # 13  2    3 -1.24095058 -0.55804095          NA  13          2         1 10
    # 14  2    4 -0.10403913 -0.62645515          NA  14          3         1 10
    # 15  2    5  0.73297296 -0.53045123 -1.07176004  15          4         1 10
    # 16  2    6  0.45567962  1.89762159 -0.13898614  16          5         1 10
    # 17  2    7  0.28807955  1.39554068 -0.59731309  17          6         1 10
    # 18  2    8 -1.07369091 -0.74602587          NA  18          7         1 10
    # 19  2    9  0.64874254 -0.30557308          NA  19          8         1 10
    # 20  2   10  0.29916228  1.16967817 -0.25935541  20          9         1 10
    # 21  3    1 -0.79599499  0.30438718  0.90051195  21         NA        NA 10
    # 22  3    2 -0.02935340 -0.11749825  0.94186939  22          1         1 10
    # 23  3    3  2.18023570 -0.06008553  1.46796190  23          2         1 10
    # 24  3    4  0.95741847  1.47093895          NA  24          3         1 10
    # 25  3    5 -0.30504863 -1.47814761  0.81900893  25          4         1 10
    # 26  3    6 -0.41840334 -0.68361295 -0.29348185  26          5         1 10
    # 27  3    7  0.09995405  0.46054060          NA  27          6         1 10
    # 28  3    8 -0.22980962 -0.18150193          NA  28          7         1 10
    # 29  3    9 -1.41521488 -1.15881631 -0.65708209  29          8         1 10
    # 30  3   10 -0.39259886  0.40901892 -0.85279544  30          9         1 10
    # 31  4    1  0.94608855 -0.25820706  0.31591504  31         NA        NA  8
    # 32  4    2  0.75177087 -0.26689944  1.10969417  32          1         1  8
    # 33  4    4  0.80833598 -0.39345895          NA  34          2         2  8
    # 34  4    5 -0.61453522 -1.84373725          NA  35          4         1  8
    # 35  4    6  1.23825893 -1.54228827  0.95157383  36          5         1  8
    # 36  4    7 -0.33809514 -0.58624036          NA  37          6         1  8
    # 37  4    8  1.19636636 -0.85213891 -2.00047274  38          7         1  8
    # 38  4    9 -0.44331838  0.77832456 -1.76218587  39          8         1  8
    # 39  5    1 -2.62134481 -1.45565758  1.55006037  41         NA        NA 10
    # 40  5    2  2.24625462  0.09378492          NA  42          1         1 10
    # 41  5    3  0.09343168  0.98234922          NA  43          2         1 10
    # 42  5    4  1.62728009 -0.59671016          NA  44          3         1 10
    # 43  5    5 -0.51091755  0.07480485          NA  45          4         1 10
    # 44  5    6 -0.65938084  2.19742943  0.56222336  46          5         1 10
    # 45  5    7 -0.04019016  0.79502321 -0.88700851  47          6         1 10
    # 46  5    8 -0.11869400 -0.53894221 -0.46024458  48          7         1 10
    # 47  5    9 -0.01965686 -1.60128318 -0.72432849  49          8         1 10
    # 48  5   10 -0.48567849 -0.73137357          NA  50          9         1 10
    # 49  6    1 -1.44014752 -0.35574079          NA  51         NA        NA  4
    # 50  6    2  0.14376888 -0.98541432  0.18772610  52          1         1  4
    # 51  6    3 -1.23458665 -0.73117064  1.02202286  53          2         1  4
    # 52  6    4 -1.75250121  1.46532408 -0.59183483  54          3         1  4
    # 53  7    4  0.97438263  0.96691960  0.49636154  64         NA        NA  7
    # 54  7    5 -1.26447348 -0.42332730 -0.76005793  65          4         1  7
    # 55  7    6 -0.27742142 -0.83159945 -0.34138627  66          5         1  7
    # 56  7    7 -0.18939869  1.39995727 -2.10232912  67          6         1  7
    # 57  7    8 -0.38402495  0.01701396          NA  68          7         1  7
    # 58  7    9  0.74058802  1.84749695          NA  69          8         1  7
    # 59  7   10 -1.16833839 -0.68633938 -0.27966611  70          9         1  7
    # 60  8    1  0.66753870 -0.21872403 -0.20409732  71         NA        NA  9
    # 61  8    2  0.36623695  0.68259291 -0.22561419  72          1         1  9
    # 62  8    3 -0.51494299  0.52413002          NA  73          2         1  9
    # 63  8    4  0.45056824  0.08054998          NA  74          3         1  9
    # 64  8    5 -0.18772038  0.05378554          NA  75          4         1  9
    # 65  8    6  1.33906937 -0.73725899          NA  76          5         1  9
    # 66  8    7  0.81621918  0.96643806  0.97348539  77          6         1  9
    # 67  8    9 -0.65086272  0.18729094  0.18917369  79          7         2  9
    # 68  8   10  0.72640902  0.27298575 -0.56288507  80          9         1  9
    # 69  9    1 -0.11367818  1.21014609          NA  81         NA        NA 10
    # 70  9    2 -0.29510083  0.18865716          NA  82          1         1 10
    # 71  9    3  0.98916847  1.96249867  0.97552910  83          2         1 10
    # 72  9    4 -0.77513181  0.13871194          NA  84          3         1 10
    # 73  9    5  0.27589827 -1.57862735  0.67568448  85          4         1 10
    # 74  9    6  0.41078165 -0.79702127          NA  86          5         1 10
    # 75  9    7  0.61118316  1.22435388  2.38723265  87          6         1 10
    # 76  9    8  0.93657072 -0.36533356 -0.47343201  88          7         1 10
    # 77  9    9 -0.36754170 -0.16259028 -0.07577256  89          8         1 10
    # 78  9   10  0.74037676  0.56047918          NA  90          9         1 10
    # 79 10    2  0.62913443  1.23863449 -1.06241117  92         NA        NA  9
    # 80 10    3  0.52774631  0.76743575  0.55703387  93          2         1  9
    # 81 10    4 -0.47225530 -1.08740911  0.90073058  94          3         1  9
    # 82 10    5  0.82371516  0.06750377  0.98994568  95          4         1  9
    # 83 10    6 -0.42778825  1.60514057  0.38360809  96          5         1  9
    # 84 10    7 -0.14264393  1.23222943 -0.34658381  97          6         1  9
    # 85 10    8  1.41878305 -0.37911379 -0.54018925  98          7         1  9
    # 86 10    9  0.48713390 -1.34986658 -0.18255559  99          8         1  9
    # 87 10   10  0.60344145  0.36491810          NA 100          9         1  9

    The second part :

    summarise(max_time_diff = max(time_diff, na.rm=T),
                N = unique(N))

    Calculates the maximum difference between consecutive times (this will spot your gaps) and keeps the N (unique value, as all N are the same for a specific "id"), for each "id":

    # Source: local data frame [10 x 3]
    # id max_time_diff  N
    # 1   1             1 10
    # 2   2             1 10
    # 3   3             1 10
    # 4   4             2  8
    # 5   5             1 10
    # 6   6             1  4
    # 7   7             1  7
    # 8   8             2  9
    # 9   9             1 10
    # 10 10             1  9

    Then the last part simply does your filtering and you get:

    # Source: local data frame [7 x 3]
    # id max_time_diff  N
    # 1  1             1 10
    # 2  2             1 10
    # 3  3             1 10
    # 4  5             1 10
    # 5  7             1  7
    # 6  9             1 10
    # 7 10             1  9

    You can add %>% select(id) in the end to keep the IDs that satisfy your filters.