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zeroclipboard not firing events

I am running the following code on a Drupal page

(function ($) {

    var client = new ZeroClipboard(document.getElementById("click-to-copy"), {
        moviePath: ""

    client.on("load", function (client) {

        alert("Hello from the load event");

        client.on("complete", function (client, args) {
            client.setText("here is some text");

} (jQuery));

But I am not seeing any results.

(1) How can I tell if the client object has been constructed correctly? (I know the moviePath value is correct.)

(2) When I click the button with id "click-to-copy", I don't see any load event firing (looking in the Console of the Developer Tools window for both Chrome and Firefox.)

Anyone have any ideas how I can go about debugging this??

(Note I wrapped this code in the closure because it originally contained calls to jQuery '$' functions.)


  • My code was looking for the wrong events.

    Reading the docs at, particularly the "Static Events" section of /docs/api/, explained that the events I should have been listening for were ready, copy and aftercopy. After making this change I got my code working.