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creating sequence of dates for each group in r

I have a dataset that looks like this:

      ID    created_at
MUM-0001    2014-04-16
MUM-0002    2014-01-14
MUM-0003    2014-04-17
MUM-0004    2014-04-12
MUM-0005    2014-04-18
MUM-0006    2014-04-17

I am trying to introduce new column that would be all dates between start date and defined last day (say, 12th-july-2015). I used seq function in dplyr but getting an error.

data1 <- data1 %>%
         arrange(ID) %>%
         group_by(ID) %>%
         mutate(date = seq(as.Date(created_at), as.Date('2015-07-12'), by= 1))

the error which I am getting is:

Error: incompatible size (453), expecting 1 (the group size) or 1

Can you please suggest some better way to perform this task in R ?


  • You could use data.table to get the sequence of Dates from 'created_at' to '2015-07-12', grouped by the 'ID' column.

     setDT(df1)[, list(date=seq(created_at, as.Date('2015-07-12'), by='1 day')) , ID]

    If you need an option with dplyr, use do

     df1 %>% 
       group_by(ID) %>% 
       do( data.frame(., Date= seq(.$created_at,
                                as.Date('2015-07-12'), by = '1 day')))

    If you have duplicate IDs, then we may need to group by row_number()

    df1 %>%
        group_by(rn=row_number()) %>%
         do(data.frame(ID= .$ID, Date= seq(.$created_at,
              as.Date('2015-07-12'), by = '1 day'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))


    Based on @Frank's commment, the new idiom for tidyverse is

    df1 %>%
      group_by(ID) %>% 
      mutate(d = list(seq(created_at, as.Date('2015-07-12'), by='1 day')), created_at = NULL) %>%

    In the case of data.table

    setDT(df1)[, list(date=seq(created_at, 
                 as.Date('2015-07-12'), by = '1 day')), by = 1:nrow(df1)] 


    df1 <- structure(list(ID = c("MUM-0001", "MUM-0002", "MUM-0003",
     "MUM-0005", "MUM-0006"), created_at = structure(c(16176, 16084, 
    16177, 16172, 16178, 16177), class = "Date")), .Names = c("ID", 
    "created_at"), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")