How can I get all the character pressed at a time? I have a timer of 500 ms and I want to get all the characters pressed within. Lets say I have pressed "asd" very fast, then I want to use "asd" as a search string, not just "d". Here is my idea:
var mytimer;
// getting key from ascii
var mykey = get_key_from_ascii(key);
var $item = $(this);
var $item2 = this;
var ms = 500; // milliseconds
mytimer = setTimeout(function() {
// here i want to send the whole character set to search
my_auto_complete($item, key, $item2);
}, ms);
try this:
var mytimer;
var collectedKeys = [];
// getting key from ascii
var mykey = get_key_from_ascii(key);
// push key to array of keys
my_auto_complete($item, collectedKeys, $item2);
// after 500 ms, clear keys array
mytimer = setTimeout(function() {
collectedKeys = [];
}, 500);