In the demo of consul, there are checks for disk utilization and memory utilization.
How could you write a configuration to do what the demo shows? Warning at 10% and critical erros at 5% ?
Here is what I am trying
"check": {
"name": "Disk Util",
"script": "disk_util=$(df -k | grep '/dev/sda1' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) | if [ $disk_util > 90 ] ; then echo 'Disk /dev/sda above 90% full' && exit 1; elif [ $disk_util > 80 ] ; then echo 'Disk /dev/sda above 80%' && exit 3; else exit 0; fi",
"interval": "2m"
Here is the same script, but more human readable
disk_util=$(df -k | grep '/dev/sda1' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) |
if [ $disk_util > 90 ]
then echo 'Disk /dev/sda above 90% full' && exit 1
elif [ $disk_util > 80 ]
then echo 'Disk /dev/sda above 80%' && exit 3
else exit 0; fi
It seems like the check is working, but it doesn't print out any text. How can I verify this is working, and print output?
Your check json file would look something like this:
"check": {
"name": "disks",
"notes": "Critical 5%, warning 10% free",
"script": "/path/to/check_disk -w 10% -c 5%",
"interval": "2m"