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aggregate function in R, multiple conditions

I don't get the right way to compute a new column which contains a sum up of a column in a data frame by aggregating anothor column by a grep function. The data frame looks like follows:

   ID_Oeffnungszeit ID_Einrichtung Anzahl_Std Bez_Oeffnungszeit
                 1        3000001       0.50  Montag Vormittag
                 1        3000003       3.00  Montag Vormittag
                 1        3000008       2.50  Montag Vormittag
                 2        3000001       1.00  Montag Nachmittag
                 4        3000003       1.50  Dienstag Vormittag
                 1        3000023       1.00  Montag Vormittag
                 1        3000025       1.00  Montag Vormittag
                 1        3000026       1.00  Montag Vormittag
                 3        3000001       2.00  Montag Abend
                 1        3000038       3.50  Montag Vormittag
                          and so on...

There are 21 characteristics for the variable Bez_Oeffnungszeit, but they can be categorized due to the fact if they contain the words Vormittag, Nachmittag or Abend. So I would like to generate a new column which contains the sums of the column Anzahl_Std for each ID_Einrichtung depending on which word the Bez_Oeffnungszeit contains.

I'm quite sure that I should use the grep and the by functions, but I couldn't manage to make the it work in my sense...

df <- structure(list(ID_Oeffnungszeit = c("1", "1", "1", "2", "4", 
"1", "1", "1", "3"), ID_Einrichtung = c(3000001L, 3000003L, 3000008L, 
3000001L, 3000003L, 3000023L, 3000025L, 3000026L, 3000001L), 
    Anzahl_Std = c(0.5, 3, 2.5, 1, 1.5, 1, 1, 1, 2), Bez_Oeffnungszeit = c("Montag Vormittag", 
    "Montag Vormittag", "Montag Vormittag", "Montag Nachmittag", 
    "Dienstag Vormittag", "Montag Vormittag", "Montag Vormittag", 
    "Montag Vormittag", "Montag Abend")), .Names = c("ID_Oeffnungszeit", 
"ID_Einrichtung", "Anzahl_Std", "Bez_Oeffnungszeit"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 


  • I think the easiest way is to create a new column only containing the word "Vormittag", "Nachmittag" or "Abend" and then use that as a grouping variable.

    For instance:

    # Set random seed for reproducibility
    # Make some data <- data.frame(ID_Oeffnungszeit = sample(1:10, 100, replace = TRUE),
                       ID_Einrichtung = sample(3000001:3000020, 100, replace = TRUE),
                       Anzahl_Std = rnorm(100),
                       Bez_Oeffnungszeit = sample(c("Montag Vormittag",
                                                    "Montag Nachmittag",
                                                    "Dienstag Vormittag", 
                                                    "Montag Abend"), 100, 
                                                    replace = T))
    # Create a new column containing "Vormittag", "Nachmittag" or "Abend"$cat <- ""$cat[grep("Vormittag",$Bez_Oeffnungszeit)] <- "Vormittag"$cat[grep("Nachmittag",$Bez_Oeffnungszeit)] <- "Nachmittag"$cat[grep("Abend",$Bez_Oeffnungszeit)] <- "Abend"
    # Now just call aggregate over the Std variable using ID and category
    # as grouping factors.
    res <- aggregate($Anzahl_Std, 
                     by = list(ID =$ID_Einrichtung, cat =$cat), 
                     FUN = sum)