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Problems connecting to weblogic 10.3.6 JMS Queue with authentication from MDB in JBoss 5.1.0 GA

I'm using sun-jms-adapter.rar. All my configuration works fine before starting to use authentication. I also tried accessing to queue from a standalone application and stateless bean (this is used to send messages to queue), and all works fine.

My actual configuration is:



    <!-- SUN JMS JCA Resource adapter, use this to get transacted JMS in beans -->
        <xa-transaction />
        <config-property name="SessionDefaultType" type="java.lang.String">javax.jms.Queue</config-property>
        <config-property name="JmsProviderAdapterJNDI" type="java.lang.String">java:/DefaultJMSProvider</config-property>
        <config-property name="Destination" type="java.lang.String">javax.jms.Destination</config-property>

ejb-jar.xml configuration:


and finally my jboss.xml:

        <configuration-name>JMSJCA Message Driven Bean</configuration-name>

I'm allways getting this error:

16:25:07,126 WARNING [Activation] JMSJCA-E016: [sync-QueueReceiver(jms/TestJMSQueueIn) @ [t3://localhost:7001]]: message delivery initiation failed (attempt #1); will retry in 1 seconds. The error was: Access denied to resource: type=, application=TestJMSModule, destinationType=queue, resource=TestJMSQueueIn, action=receive weblogic.jms.common.JMSSecurityException: Access denied to resource: type=, application=TestJMSModule, destinationType=queue, resource=TestJMSQueueIn, action=receive at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.DispatcherAdapter.convertToJMSExceptionAndThrow( at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.DispatcherAdapter.dispatchSync( at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.consumerCreate( at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.setupConsumer( at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.createConsumer( at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.createReceiver( at weblogic.jms.client.WLSessionImpl.createReceiver( at at$SyncWorker.init( at at at$000( at$ at Caused by: weblogic.jms.common.JMSSecurityException: Access denied to resource: type=, application=TestJMSModule, destinationType=queue, resource=TestJMSQueueIn, action=receive at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.DispatcherAdapter.convertToJMSExceptionAndThrow( at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.DispatcherAdapter.dispatchSync( at weblogic.jms.frontend.FEConsumer.( at weblogic.jms.frontend.FESession$ at at at weblogic.jms.frontend.FESession.consumerCreate( at weblogic.jms.frontend.FESession.invoke( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.Request.wrappedFiniteStateMachine( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherServerRef.invoke( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherServerRef.handleRequest( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherServerRef.access$000( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherServerRef$ at at Caused by: weblogic.jms.common.JMSSecurityException: Access denied to resource: type=, application=TestJMSModule, destinationType=queue, resource=TestJMSQueueIn, action=receive at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.Request.handleThrowable( at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.Request.getResult( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.Request.wrappedFiniteStateMachine( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherImpl.syncRequest( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherImpl.dispatchSync( at weblogic.jms.dispatcher.DispatcherAdapter.dispatchSync( ... 13 more Caused by: weblogic.jms.common.JMSSecurityException: Access denied to resource: type=, application=TestJMSModule, destinationType=queue, resource=TestJMSQueueIn, action=receive at weblogic.jms.common.JMSSecurityHelper.checkPermission( at weblogic.jms.backend.BEDestinationSecurityImpl.checkReceivePermission( at weblogic.jms.backend.BEConsumerImpl.init( at weblogic.jms.backend.BEConsumerImpl.( at weblogic.jms.backend.BEQueueImpl.createConsumer( at weblogic.jms.backend.BESessionImpl.createBEConsumer( at weblogic.jms.backend.BESessionImpl.createConsumer( at weblogic.jms.backend.BESessionImpl.invoke( at weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.Request.wrappedFiniteStateMachine( ... 16 more

Any suggestion is welcome...


  • I found a solution to my problem, could not be the best one, but it works.

    After spent lots of time trying put this working, I checkout the source code of resource adaptor (sun-jms-adapter.rar) from here, and found a possible error. They don't put credentials in initialContext and close context after creating session. So I modify this stepts, by adding "Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL" and "Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS" to context, and leave it open. And this really works. All this in getJndiObject method in RAWLObjectFactory class.

    If someone finds another way, and a best way, please share... because they are putting credentials when creating queue Connection, so may be a bug at weblogic source.

    I leave the modified code:

    private Object getJndiObject(UrlParser url, String name, String username, String password) throws JMSException {
        if (sLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
            sLog.debug("Looking up JNDI object " + name);
        if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
            throw Exc.jmsExc(LOCALE.x("E401: The JNDI name is null"));
        InitialContext ctx = null;
        try {
            if (mSpecialISORBMethod != null) {
                // Works on IS only
                if (mSpecialISORBMethodIsOn != null) {
                    Boolean isEnabled = (Boolean) mSpecialISORBMethodIsOn.invoke(null, new Object[0]);
                    if (!isEnabled.booleanValue()) {
                        throw Exc.rsrcExc(LOCALE.x("E823: CORBA-SE needs to be enabled on" 
                            + " this server. Please change the value of the <se-orb enabled=\"false\"/>"
                            + " to <se-orb enabled=\"true\"/> in the configuration file of "
                            + " the Integration Server (logicalhost/is/domains/<domain-name>"
                            + "/config/domain.xml) and restart the server."));
                final Properties prop = (Properties) mSpecialISORBMethod.invoke(null, new Object[0]);
                ctx = new InitialContext(prop);
                return ctx.lookup("corbaname:iiop:1.2@" + url.getHost() + ":" + url.getPort()
                    + '#' + name); 
            } else {
                // Will be executed on other application servers than the IS
                //add username/password if not null to context
                Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
                env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, JNDI_FACTORY);
                env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://" + url.getHost() + ":" + url.getPort());
                if (username != null) {
                    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
                    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
                ctx = new InitialContext(env);
                return ctx.lookup(name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw Exc.jmsExc(LOCALE.x("E821: Could not find JNDI object by name [{0}]: {1}", name, e), e);
        //leave context open
        /*finally {