I have the following code that i can call from my universal app, and it works fine
// create our request with our data
var data = new JsonObject();
data.Add("param", JsonValue.CreateStringValue("abc"));
// convert to bytes
var dataAsBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.Stringify());
var httpRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(URL + "Add");
httpRequest.Method = "POST";
httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
using (var requestStream = await httpRequest.GetRequestStreamAsync())
requestStream.Write(dataAsBytes, 0, dataAsBytes.Length);
var httpResponse = await httpRequest.GetResponseAsync();
using (var responseStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream()) {
But this code seems to stop on var httpResponse = await httpRequest.GetResponseAsync()
when i execute this from a backgroundTask?
To setup my background task, i have the following code.
var taskRegistered = false;
var taskName = "Upload Background Task";
var background = Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
var iter = background.BackgroundTaskRegistration.allTasks.first();
while (iter.hasCurrent) {
var task = iter.current.value;
if (task.name === taskName) {
taskRegistered = true;
if (taskRegistered) {
successCallback(); // my javascript success callback
} else {
Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundExecutionManager.requestAccessAsync().then(function () {
var builder = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.name = taskName;
builder.taskEntryPoint = "CordovaApp.Library.UploadTask";
builder.setTrigger(new Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.TimeTrigger(15, false));
builder.addCondition(new Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemCondition(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemConditionType.internetAvailable));
return builder.register();
}).done(function () {
}, function (err) {
Why is this not working? If i ran the task manually using visual studio it fails over on this line and it fails over on this line if i let the backgroundTask run itself after 15 minutes?
Problem solved.
I added the async keyword to my backgroundTask Run method so i could call my async method.
Instead of this, i removed the async keywork from my background Run method, and called the async code using
var result = Task.Run(async() => {
return myAsyncMethod();
Now all working