Every Akka tutorial and its grandmother proudly displays snippets of code, like the one below, showing off how to perform an asynchronous, non-blocking ask
via Akka Futures:
// Groovy pseudo code
class Fizz extends UntypedActor {
ActorRef buzz
Fizz(ActorRef buzz) {
this.buzz = buzz
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof DoSomething) {
DoSomething ds = message as DoSomething
Foo foo = doSomething(ds)
Future<BuzzResult> buzzFut = buzz.ask(new ProcessResult(foo))
buzzFut.onSuccess(new BuzzResultHandler(), system.dispatcher)
Foo doSomething(DoSomething ds) { … }
But nowhere can I actually find a code snippet that shows how to service this ask
on the other (recipient) side. Okay, so Fizz
has ask
ed Buzz
with a ProcessResult
message, and has set up an onSuccess
handler to capture the result once Buzz
sends it back. But how does Buzz
actually send it back?!?
is an actor, and so it does all its messaging through onReceive
class Buzz extends UntypedActor {
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof ProcessResult) {
ProcessResult pr = message as ProcessResult
BuzzResult br = BuzzResultFactory.createBuzzResult(pr)
// Oh snap, I can’t send ‘br’ back to the Fizz’s BuzzResultHandler
// because I return void…
If onReceive
returns void
, how can it ever possibly return a result when ask
ed something by Fizz
(or any other actor)?!?
Of course I welcome and am enormously appreciative of any answers, even in Scala, but would ask for any code snippets to be in Java since Scala looks like hieroglyphics to me.
That's pretty simple actually.
You just reply to the sender:
Since you are using the ask-Pattern, this response will not be received by the actual initiator of the ask, but by the onSuccessHandler.