Anyone tried using android studio for cocos2dx?
I always get this error when clicking the run button on android studio
Couldn't load cocos2dcpp: findLibrary returned null
I looks like it does not linked the library,
Heres what I tried first
on the root of my Project folder, I run a command cocos run -p android
It runs perfectly and generate an apk file on Project/bin/debug/android
I installed the apk through adb command adb install -r Project.apk
everything work well but when I try to run the program, it crashes, and no debug error was sent.
So I tried it on android studio to debug and find what is the cause of the error. On cocos2dx v3.7 generated folder there is a folder
I opened that folder in android studio and run and then I get the error
findLibrary returned null
anyone knows how to make it work with android studio and also the debugging like breakpoints?
linux ubuntu
android studio 1.3
ndk r10e
The Android Studio doesnt support ndk, so you cant build your solution, you need to do manually on console, and then run debug on android studio to install the APK.