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EmberJS and Toastr? Compatibility Issues?

I have an Ember application which i'd like to include Toastr notifications in. I want to use the library to provide a cookie warning messages which I can then restyle to fit the rest of the website's theme.

However, after inclusion, I cannot get the library to work properly, the console reports a GET being performed: However, I believe that the unique way Ember works may be causing me issues? I have found another SO question which has lead me onto this train of thought.


  • We use Toastr with Ember in our application, so I'll detail how we do it:

    Installing Toastr

    Toastr is installed through Bower, and then included into the build through the ember-cli-build.js file

    // ember-cli-build.js
    module.exports = function(defaults) {

    Accessing Toastr

    The "Ember Way" to interface with a library like this is to wrap it in a service. We created a really simple "notifications" service that wraps the Toastr library. This is the entire thing:

    // app/services/notifications.js
    /* global toastr */
    import Ember from 'ember';
    const { Service, on } = Ember;
    export default Service.extend({
      initToaster: on('init', function() {
        toastr.options = {
          debug: false,
          positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
          onclick: null,
          fadeIn: 300,
          fadeOut: 1000,
          timeOut: 5000,
          extendedTimeOut: 1000
      clear() {
      success(message, title) {
        toastr.success(message, title);
      info(message, title) {, title);
      warning(message, title) {
        toastr.warning(message, title);
      error(message, title) {
        toastr.error(message, title);

    Using the Service

    Now you can inject your service anywhere you want to use Toastr. For example, a controller could use it like this:

    // some controller
    import Ember from 'ember';
    const { Controller, inject } = Ember;
    const { service } = inject;
    export default Controller.extend({
      notifications: service(),
      actions: {
        save() {
          .then(() => {
            this.get('notifications').success('Saved successfully!');
          .catch(() => {
            this.get('notifications').error('There was an error!');