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Unable to use DataNucleus enhancer without JDO annotations

I am trying DataNucleus with JDO api using only XML to define the persistence model, without adding annotation like @PersistenceCapable. That is something that supposedly supported by both JDO and DataNucleus, if I did understand both documentations.

For instance if I remove all annotations of,, in datanucleus example and run mvn clean compile I should get the job done, because package.orm define those classes, but I get the following error for all this classes:

(main) DEBUG [DataNucleus.MetaData] - Class org.datanucleus.samples.jdo.tutorial.Inventory was specified in persistence-unit (maybe by not putting exclude-unlisted-classes) Tutorial but not annotated, so ignoring


(main) INFO [DataNucleus.Enhancer] - DataNucleus Enhancer completed with success for 0 classes.

What I am missing?

Actual configuration files:

<persistence-unit name="Tutorial">

<package name="org.datanucleus.samples.jdo.tutorial">
    <!-- persistence-modifier is by default equal to: persistence-capable -->
    <class name="Inventory" table="INVENTORIES" >...</class>
    <class name="Product" table="PRODUCTS">...</class>
    <class name="Book" table="BOOKS">...</class>


  • ORM metadata is to OVERRIDE JDO metadata. Consequently you need either annotations OR a JDO XML metadata file (package.jdo).

    "class" entries in persistence.xml are to specify classes that have annotations, and you say you have none.

    "mapping-file" entries in persistence.xml are to specify XML metadata files ... and you haven't specified any.