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jquery DataTable server side add Row not working properly

I'm trying to duplicate the example shown here: DataTable t.row.add() but using server side for table population: here core script:

var wh=window.innerHeight-250;
var table= $('#dataTable_e').DataTable( {
    "processing": true,
    "serverSide": true,
    "stateSave": true,
    "dom": 'RrtiS<"bottom">f<"clear">',
    "scrollY": wh+"px",
    "scrollX": true,
    "deferRender": true,
        "url": "ajax/jsTable.asp",
        "data": function (d) {
    "drawCallback": function( settings ) {

        $('#control-wraps a').fontSizer();

    "columns": [
                {"data": "ID"},
                {"data": "WidgetID"},
                {"data": "Active"},
                {"data": "LangID"},
                {"data": "ValidFrom"},
                {"data": "ValidTo"},
                {"data": "BkgColor"},
                {"data": "TextColor"},
                {"data": "FontFamily"},
                {"data": "FontSize"},
                {"data": "Height"},
                {"data": "Rows"},
                {"data": "Message"}

and this works fine. then I try to add the new row when clicking a button and this is the script:

        $('#dataTable_e_new').click(function (e) {

        if (nNew && nEditing) {
            if (confirm("Previose row not saved. Do you want to save it ?")) {
                saveRow(table, nEditing); // save
                nEditing = null;
                nNew = false;

            } else {
                table.fnDeleteRow(nEditing); // cancel
                nEditing = null;
                nNew = false;


        //var aiNew = 
            [ {"ID": "2"},
              {"WidgetID": "System Architect"},
              {"Active": "$320,800"},
              {"LangID": "2011/04/25"},
              {"ValidFrom": "Edinburgh"},
              {"ValidTo": "5421"},
              {"BkgColor": "red"},
              {"TextColor": "green"},
              {"FontFamily": "Arial"},
              {"FontSize": "50"},
              {"Height": "300"},
              {"Rows": "3"},
              {"Message": "Test"}             

but it is not working: I tried several shape of Data but I always get:

DataTables warning: table id=dataTable_e - Requested unknown parameter 'ID' for row 1

Clearly I'm not passing the right format but have no idea how to handle :-(

Any suggestion would be appreaciated. Thanks for Reading.


  • If you define "columns" as object, then you should add an object not array. You've added neither array, nor single object, but array of objects. So use

      "ID": "2",
      "WidgetID": "System Architect",
      "Active": "$320,800",
      "LangID": "2011/04/25",
      "ValidFrom": "Edinburgh",
      "ValidTo": "5421",
      "BkgColor": "red",
      "TextColor": "green",
      "FontFamily": "Arial",
      "FontSize": "50",
      "Height": "300",
      "Rows": "3",
      "Message": "Test"