I'm trying to duplicate the example shown here: DataTable t.row.add() but using server side for table population: here core script:
var wh=window.innerHeight-250;
var table= $('#dataTable_e').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"stateSave": true,
"dom": 'RrtiS<"bottom">f<"clear">',
"scrollY": wh+"px",
"scrollX": true,
"deferRender": true,
"url": "ajax/jsTable.asp",
"data": function (d) {
"drawCallback": function( settings ) {
$('#control-wraps a').fontSizer();
"columns": [
{"data": "ID"},
{"data": "WidgetID"},
{"data": "Active"},
{"data": "LangID"},
{"data": "ValidFrom"},
{"data": "ValidTo"},
{"data": "BkgColor"},
{"data": "TextColor"},
{"data": "FontFamily"},
{"data": "FontSize"},
{"data": "Height"},
{"data": "Rows"},
{"data": "Message"}
and this works fine. then I try to add the new row when clicking a button and this is the script:
$('#dataTable_e_new').click(function (e) {
if (nNew && nEditing) {
if (confirm("Previose row not saved. Do you want to save it ?")) {
saveRow(table, nEditing); // save
nEditing = null;
nNew = false;
} else {
table.fnDeleteRow(nEditing); // cancel
nEditing = null;
nNew = false;
//var aiNew =
[ {"ID": "2"},
{"WidgetID": "System Architect"},
{"Active": "$320,800"},
{"LangID": "2011/04/25"},
{"ValidFrom": "Edinburgh"},
{"ValidTo": "5421"},
{"BkgColor": "red"},
{"TextColor": "green"},
{"FontFamily": "Arial"},
{"FontSize": "50"},
{"Height": "300"},
{"Rows": "3"},
{"Message": "Test"}
but it is not working: I tried several shape of Data but I always get:
DataTables warning: table id=dataTable_e - Requested unknown parameter 'ID' for row 1
Clearly I'm not passing the right format but have no idea how to handle :-(
Any suggestion would be appreaciated. Thanks for Reading.
If you define "columns" as object, then you should add an object not array. You've added neither array, nor single object, but array of objects. So use
"ID": "2",
"WidgetID": "System Architect",
"Active": "$320,800",
"LangID": "2011/04/25",
"ValidFrom": "Edinburgh",
"ValidTo": "5421",
"BkgColor": "red",
"TextColor": "green",
"FontFamily": "Arial",
"FontSize": "50",
"Height": "300",
"Rows": "3",
"Message": "Test"