I'm working on a simple parser using the JParsec library and want to parse the following:
some, list, of, things
This is easily done with with parser.sepBy(Scanners.isChar(',')
but fails to parse in a larger document unless I wrap it inside a between
Ultimately I'm wanting to parse something along the lines of:
implements some.java.Interface, some.other.Interface {
However I can't find a magic combination to say "sepBy X until (but not consuming Y)" or even "sepBy X until failure".
Am I missing something simple here?
There is a more or less complete Java parser in the examples directory which implements that kind of stuff. The trick is to include your parser for a list of things inside a sequence, or combined with next() with another parSer for the body between curly braces, assuming curly braces cannot occur within your list's elements.
Here is the classDef
method from org.codehaus.jparsec.examples.java.parser.DeclarationParser
static Parser<Declaration> classDef(Parser<Modifier> mod, Parser<Member> member) {
return curry(ClassDef.class).sequence(
mod.many(), term("class"), Terminals.Identifier.PARSER, TYPE_PARAMETERS.optional(),
The part you are interested in is term("implements").next(ELEMENT_TYPE_LITERAL.sepBy1(term(","))).optional()
. Notice this fragment is an optional part of a sequence of parsers whose returned elements are used to create a ClassDef
AST object.