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How to read magnetic card data?

I work with the magnetic card reader "MiniMag II" (ref. IDMB-334133B and datasheet here) on Windows 7. A driver has ben automatically installed, adding the card reader as a standard input device to Windows recognized devices. When I swipe a card in the reader, card data is sent to the pc and written in the current window. My problem concerns the card data format : I receive strings such as "méà(è&('&_é"(à&&à=àààààààààààààààààààà§", do you recognize a format here ? I am not aware of the exact data format, but I know that the following numbers are included in their corresponding card data :

  • 412835 : méà(è&'&é_"(à"&é-=&çà"'àçà(&àààààààààà§
  • 418559 : méà(è&'&_((çà'&&-=&(&à'&'&à&àààààààààà§
  • 2989449 : méà(è&éç_ç''çà&&à=àààààààààààààààààààà§
  • 5418235 : méà(è&('&_é"(à&&à=àààààààààààààààààààà§

Do you have any lead to help me to understand how the received card data is built ?

Thank you


  • I found the solution, my system was in AZERTY mode and the reader input me QWERTY data... so when I changed the settings I have obtained the numbers I was looking for. Hope it can help someone.