I purchased the Docs/support from ObjectRefinery
for JFreeCharts. When running ant the following occurs:
$ cd ant && ant
/shared/jfreechart-1.0.19-demo/ant/build.xml:66: Warning: Could not find file
/shared/jfreechart-1.0.19-demo/source/demo/orsoncharts/iStock_000003105870Small.jpg to copy.
Actually that file does not exist anywhere in the project -or any jpg for that matter:
freechart-1.0.19-demo $find . -name \*.jpg
<no results>
So how to build this demo code?
There are two files missing from the ZIP file which prevent the demo jar files from being rebuilt using the included Ant script. This has been corrected and a new ZIP file uploaded to our server. Additionally, your purchase has been refunded.