I am trying to add transclude property in angularjs .I am got getting error but still not able to implement the transclude property .I am not able to see both content outer and inner contend. I am not able to display both text "hello" and "this" simultaneously
here is my code
var app =angular.module('Testappp',[]);
return {
// templateUrl:'template/home.html',
transclude :true,
template:"<div ng-transclude>this</div>",
You can do it like so,
var app =angular.module('Testappp',[]);
app.directive('superMan', function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
"<div>" +
"<div>this</div>" +
"<div ng-transclude></div>" +
Your example does not work because as said in documentation about ngTransclude
Directive that marks the insertion point for the transcluded DOM of the nearest parent directive that uses transclusion. Any existing content of the element that this directive is placed on will be removed before the transcluded content is inserted.