There is a need to connect to LDAP using LDAPConnection using Java in a try-catch. When the initial connection cannot be established, i now want to create some logic to reattempt the connection after 1 minute for a max of 3 attempts.
Current logic:
try {
connect = new LDAPConnection(...);
} catch (LDAPException exc) {
//throw exception message
Desired logic:
int maxAttempts = 3, attempts=0;
while(attempt < maxAttempts) {
try {
connect = new LDAPConnection(...);
/*if connection can be established then break from loop, but keep connection alive*/
} catch(LDAPException exc) {
if(attempt == (maxAttempts-1)) {
//throw exception message
Is the code in my desired logic correct? I also wanted to be sure my break and continue statements are in the correct location in the loop.
Get rid of the continue
to avoid an infinite loop.
And since you have a counter, use a for-loop instead of while:
int maxAttempts = 3;
for(int attempts = 0; attempts < maxAttempts; attempts++) {
try {
connect = new LDAPConnection(...);
/*if connection can be established then break from loop, but keep connection alive*/
} catch(LDAPException exc) {
if(attempt == (maxAttempts-1)) {
//throw exception message
throw exc;