I'm sending a POST request from klipfolio to https://api.podio.com/item/app/{app_id}/filter/ and specifying JSON object in body area provided. However, no matter what parameters I specify in the json object they do not seem to work. I used parameters as per Podio api documentation:
"sort_by": The sort order to use,
"sort_desc": True to sort descending, false otherwise,
"filters": The filters to apply
"{key}": The value for the key filtering,
... (more filters)
"limit": The maximum number of items to return, defaults to 30,
"offset": The offset into the returned items, defaults to 0,
"remember": True if the view should be remembered, false otherwise
=> But this doesn't work
"limit": 50
=> Or this
"sort_by": id,
"sort_desc": true,
"filters": {
"id": {
"from": 50,
"to": 99
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0,
"remember": false
I've tried a variety of parameters, nothing seems to effect results. Even something as simple as setting limit to 50 doesn't work - it still spits out 20 results. Any ideas?
After inspecting the post request, I can see that
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryjHNZ1IQyAQII1ZrI
Which leads me to believe klipfolio doesn't actually allow one to post json object as data. What.
Add a header in the Query Parameters section with a name of 'Content-Type' and a value of 'application/json'.