I'm experiencing a weird graphical glitch on my application. The situation is that I am creating some GridPanes and adding them to a parent GridPane which is inside a ScrollPane. However, upon scrolling, some weird glitches begin occurring. Here is a picture: (Sorry for having to use links, I don't have enough reputation to post images).
Here is a picture of what it should look like:
Here is my code:
private static class Controller implements Initializable {
@FXML private GridPane projectsPane;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
//I first create some objects to be used when
//creating the GridPanes in the following loop,
//but I have removed the code for simplicity
for(AvailableProject availableProject : availableProjects) {
GridPane projectPane = new GridPane();
projectPane.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.DARKGREY, CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY)));
ColumnConstraints column1 = new ColumnConstraints();
ColumnConstraints column2 = new ColumnConstraints();
projectPane.getColumnConstraints().addAll(column1, column2);
projectPane.setPadding(new Insets(5));
Label projectName = new Label(availableProject.projectName);
GridPane.setValignment(projectName, VPos.CENTER);
projectPane.add(projectName, 0, 0);
TextFlow description = new TextFlow(new Text(availableProject.description));
description.setMaxSize(200, 100);
GridPane.setValignment(description, VPos.CENTER);
projectPane.add(description, 0, 1);
Label category = new Label(availableProject.category);
GridPane.setValignment(category, VPos.CENTER);
GridPane.setHalignment(category, HPos.RIGHT);
projectPane.add(category, 1, 0, 1, 2);
projectsPane.add(projectPane, 0, yRow);
Pane pane = new Pane();
projectsPane.addRow(yRow, pane);
I have tried simplifying the code to make it cleaner, but I will post the rest if needed.
Thank you!
I seem to have found the solution. By the looks of it, this really is a bug. I will report it to Oracle later. It seems the problem was that I had padding in my ScrollPane. By my testing, if padding was greater than 5, the glitches would occur. A workaround is to assign the padding to the parent GridPane rather than the ScrollPane.