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Does Auth0 provide a way to export a user database?

Auth0 looks like a very promising user management solution, but I'm curious if it allows you to export a user database.

This is an important feature because:

  1. I'd like to make my own backups. (Not so much because I'm worried Auth0 might lose my data. But what if there's a bug in my code or my Auth0 keys are compromised?)
  2. I might want to switch user management providers someday.

From Documentation > Importing Users to Auth0, I see there's a way to import users (on-demand when you can obtain their passwords anyway). And I can see they use bcrypt for password hashing (at least by default). But I don't see any mention of exporting users.


  • The Auth0 Management API allows you to export your data. Additionally, we have a tool that will help you both import and export users:

    For the official policy see this document: