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Using ScalaCheck to generate an object without constructor parameters

For my Java application I am trying to use ScalaCheck to write some property-based unit tests. For that purpose I need generators, but all the tutorials I can find use a constructor with parameters to generate objects. The object I need to generate does not have constructor parameters, and I cannot add such a constructor since it is from an external library.

I now have the following (JwtClaims is from the package org.jose4j.jwt):

def genClaims: Gen[JwtClaims] = {
    val url = arbString
    val username = arbString

    val claims = new JwtClaims()
    claims.setSubject(username) // error about Gen[String] not matching type String


Any suggestions on how to write my generator? I have zero knowledge of Scala, so please be patient if I've made an 'obvious' mistake :) My expertise is in Java, and testing using ScalaCheck is my first venture into Scala.


  • You need to be returning a generator of a claims object, not a claims object. The generator is effectively a function that can return a claims object. The normal way I go about this is with a for comprehension (other people prefer flatMap, but I think this reads more clearly).

      def genClaims: Gen[JwtClaims] = {
        for {
          url <- arbitrary[String]
          username <- arbitrary[String]
        } yield {
          val claims = new JwtClaims()