I have a digraph (created using the jgrapht library) which takes as vertices Point objects. I add vertices and edges as a flood fill algorithm goes through a given matrix. I created it using this code:
public static DirectedGraph<Point, DefaultEdge> directedGraph = new DefaultDirectedGraph<Point, DefaultEdge>(DefaultEdge.class);
public static class FloodFill {
public static void resolution(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Found loop: "+checkIfPositionIsInLoop(matrix, 2, 7, 3));
for (int i=0; i<matrix.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<matrix[i].length; j++) {
System.out.print(matrix[i][j] + " ");
private static Direction direction;
public static boolean checkIfPositionIsInLoop(int[][] matrix, int x, int y, int fillValue) {
int targetX = x;
int targetY = y;
return fillReachesTargetPosition(matrix, x, y, targetX, targetY, fillValue, Direction.LEFT );
private static boolean fillReachesTargetPosition(int[][] matrix, int x, int y, int targetX, int targetY, int fillValue, Direction forbiddenDirection) {
if (x>=matrix.length)
return false;
if (y>=matrix[x].length)
return false;
int originValue=matrix[x][y];
int xToFillNext;
int yToFillNext;
boolean fillingReachedTargetPosition = false;
// Up
xToFillNext = x-1;
yToFillNext = y;
if (xToFillNext==targetX && yToFillNext==targetY && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.UP)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
return true;
} else if (xToFillNext>=0 && originValue==matrix[xToFillNext][yToFillNext] && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.UP)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
fillingReachedTargetPosition =
fillReachesTargetPosition(matrix, xToFillNext, yToFillNext, targetX, targetY, fillValue, Direction.DOWN );
if (fillingReachedTargetPosition) {
return true;
// Right
xToFillNext = x;
yToFillNext = y+1;
if (xToFillNext==targetX && yToFillNext==targetY && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
return true;
} else if (yToFillNext<matrix[xToFillNext].length && originValue==matrix[xToFillNext][yToFillNext] && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
fillingReachedTargetPosition =
fillReachesTargetPosition(matrix, xToFillNext, yToFillNext, targetX, targetY, fillValue, Direction.LEFT );
if (fillingReachedTargetPosition) {
return true;
// Down
xToFillNext = x+1;
yToFillNext = y;
if (xToFillNext==targetX && yToFillNext==targetY && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
return true;
} else if (xToFillNext<matrix.length && originValue==matrix[xToFillNext][yToFillNext] && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
fillingReachedTargetPosition =
fillReachesTargetPosition(matrix, xToFillNext, yToFillNext, targetX, targetY, fillValue, Direction.UP );
if (fillingReachedTargetPosition) {
return true;
// Left
xToFillNext = x;
yToFillNext = y-1;
if (xToFillNext==targetX && yToFillNext==targetY && forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
return true;
} else if (yToFillNext>=0 && originValue==matrix[xToFillNext][yToFillNext] && !forbiddenDirection.equals(Direction.LEFT)) {
Point myPoint = new Point(x, y);
Point myNextPoint = new Point(xToFillNext, yToFillNext);
directedGraph.addEdge(myPoint, myNextPoint);
//outEdgesMap.put(myPoint, outEdgesMap.get(myPoint)+1);
fillingReachedTargetPosition =
fillReachesTargetPosition(matrix, xToFillNext, yToFillNext, targetX, targetY, fillValue, Direction.RIGHT );
if (fillingReachedTargetPosition) {
return true;
return false;
public static class Point {
public int x;
public int y;
public Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public String toString() {
return ("[x="+x+" y="+y+"]");
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 71 * hash + this.x;
hash = 71 * hash + this.y;
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (this == other)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof Point))
return false;
Point otherPoint = (Point) other;
return otherPoint.x == x && otherPoint.y == y;
Now, I display the number of outwards vertices of each vertex using:
for(Point myPoint : directedGraph.vertexSet()){
int degree = directedGraph.outDegreeOf(myPoint);
I want to add a if statement having as condition the number of outwards vertices. For example:
for(Point myPoint : directedGraph.vertexSet()){
int degree = directedGraph.outDegreeOf(myPoint);
if (degree >= 2 // This is the degree of the element number n){
// use n-1,n+1, n+2 etc element
My question is how can I access the n-1,n+1, n+2 (etc) elements of an element ? Is it the right case to use an iterator ?
I used the methods: predecessorListOf()
and successorListOf()
which can more or less solve my problem since I don't have a better option.