Im new to CanCan and am using it in Rails 4.2.0. I have Both User and Admin privileges set up and have hit a hiccup when setting can and cannot statement in the abilitiy.rb when trying to set the user permissions that talk to the Visitor_parking Model.
my ability.rb file looks like:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
if user.admin?
#Grants Admin Permissions to Sites Model
can :create, Site
can :read, Site
can :update, Site
can :destroy, Site
#Grants Admin Permissions to Residents Model
can :create, Resident
can :read, Resident
can :update, Resident
can :destroy, Resident
#Grants Admin Permissions to Vehicles Model
can :create, Vehicle
can :read, Vehicle
can :update, Vehicle
can :destroy, Vehicle
#Grants Admin Permissions to Parking Model
can :create, Parking
can :read, Parking
can :update, Parking
can :destroy, Parking
#Grants Admin Permissions to Visitor Parking Model
can :create, Visitor_parking
can :read, Visitor_parking
can :update, Visitor_parking
can :destroy, Visitor_parking
#Grants Admin Permissions to Trespass Model
can :create, Trespass
can :read, Trespass
can :update, Trespass
can :destroy, Trespass
#Grants Admin Permissions to Reports Model
can :create, Report
can :read, Report
can :update, Report do |report|
report.user == user
cannot :destroy, Report
#Grants User Permissions to Sites Model
cannot :create, Site
can :read, Site
cannot :update, Site
cannot :destroy, Site
#Grants User Permissions to Residents Model
cannot :create, Resident
can :read, Resident
can :update, Resident
cannot :destroy, Resident
#Grants User Permissions to Vehicles Model
cannot :create, Vehicle
can :read, Vehicle
can :update, Vehicle
cannot :destroy, Vehicle
#Grants User Permissions to Parking Model
can :create, Parking
can :read, Parking
can :update, Parking
cannot :destroy, Parking
#Grants User Permissions to Visitor Parking Model
##can :create, Visitor_parking
##can :read, Visitor_parking
##can :update, Visitor_parking
##cannot :destroy, Visitor_parking
#Grants User Permissions to Trespass Model
can :create, Trespass
can :read, Trespass
cannot :update, Trespass
cannot :destroy, Trespass
#Grants User Permissions to Reports Model
can :create, Report
can :read, Report
can :update, Report do |report|
report.user == user
cannot :destroy, Report
I know some are going to say that i should use the manage all feature of can can however there will be rules in the admin segment as well so I wanted to CRUD it all out and change as needed.
the Problem lies in the user (else) portion of the code above. (Section commented out with the ## ) the admin privileges work perfectly but when i attempt to set the user privileges i get the following error and am not sure where to go with it.
Error Message I get:
Unable to autoload constant Visitor_parking, expected /Users/TaurenLTD1/Desktop/PatrolPro/Patrol/app/models/visitor_parking.rb to define it
cannot :destroy, Parking
#Grants User Permissions to Visitor Parking Model
--> can :create, Visitor_parking is what is hilighted red in the error message (but matches the admin perfectly)??? --->
can :read, Visitor_parking
can :update, Visitor_parking
cannot :destroy, Visitor_parking
This is what the VisitorParking Model Looks Like in full
class VisitorParking < ActiveRecord::Base
# Adds Relationships to Visitor Parking
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :site
# Adds Import / Export Functionality To Reports
def self.import(file)
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
VisitorParking.create! row.to_hash
def self.to_csv
CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << column_names
all.each do |visitor_parking|
csv << visitor_parking.attributes.values_at(*column_names)
i am a bit of a rails amateur and this is the first time I've ever worked with cancan so it may be something small I'm just not picking up... Any help is greatly appreciated!
You spelled VisitorParking
wrong: Visitor_parking
. Try to fix it.
I'm not sure how it can work in the if
branch of your conditional, to be honest.