I have a jsp page hook, in that I have included a runtime portlet, I need to pass a portlet instance from jsp page hook to to runtime portlet which is in the same jsp page hook.How can I pass the portlet instance id to runtime portlet ? thanks in advance.
I have tried below things: I am getting portlet instance empty
In jsp page hook:
<liferay-portlet:runtime portletName="ContentCustomization_WAR_ContentCustomizationportlet" queryString="instance='<%=themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getInstanceId()%>'" />
in render() method of ContentCustomizationportlet:
String instance = httpRequest.getParameter("instance");
in jsp page of ContentCustomizationportlet
String instance=renderRequest.getParameter("instance");
In jsp page hook:
<c:set var="webcontentInstanceId" scope="request" value="<%=themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getInstanceId()%>"/>
<liferay-portlet:runtime portletName="ContentCustomization_WAR_ContentCustomizationportlet" queryString="&instanceId=${webcontentInstanceId}" />
In your jsp retrieve like:
String instance=renderRequest.getParameter("instanceId");
if you want to get in action class
HttpServletRequest httpRequest2 = PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(renderRequest);
String instance=httpRequest2.getParameter("instanceId");