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Java JDK silent installation with specified path

I want to install in silent mode (in fact, using Chef) JDK in specified version.

My problem is, when I add INSTALLDIR parameter, Java JDK installation fails. Without it JDK will install in default directory (C:/Program Files/Java/ or C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/).

I am running command

jdk-7u79-windows-i586.exe /s INSTALLDIR="C:/java"

and also tried

jdk-7u79-windows-i586.exe /s INSTALLDIR:"C:/java"

what makes Java installation show pop-up window with parameters I can use in MSI installer.

C:/java/ path is existing directory.

Additionaly, I found this site: where you can find specified parameters for JDK.

I want to use Chef resource windows-package for this installation

windows_package node['name']['JDK1.8'] do
    source                  node['source']['JDK1.8']
    installer_type          :custom
    action                  :install
    options                 '/s INSTALLDIR=C:/java2'

What makes output

Expected process to exit with [0, 42, 127], but received '1603'
---- Begin output of start "" /wait "D:\install\jdk-7u79-windows-i586.exe" /s INSTALLDIR=C:/java & exit %%ERRORLEVEL%% ----
---- End output of start "" /wait "D:\install\jdk-7u79-windows-i586.exe" /s INSTALLDIR=C:/java & exit %%ERRORLEVEL%% ----
Ran start "" /wait "D:\install\jdk-7u79-windows-i586.exe" /s INSTALLDIR=C:/java & exit %%ERRORLEVEL%% returned 1603

I should add I don't want to install JRE - my goal is to install JDK.

Is there any simple way to set up installation path for these installers in silent mode?


  • Chef 12.4.1
  • Microsoft Windows 7
  • Versions of JDK I would like to install: 6u35, 7u79 and 8u45.

I will appreciate any help, thanks.


  • Ok, I found solution for this problem.

    Instead of using something like:

    options     "/s INSTALLDIR=#{node['path']['jdk']}"

    I had to use something like this:

    options     "/v\"/qn INSTALLDIR=\\\"#{node['path']['JDK1.7'].gsub('/','\\')}\\\"\""

    This way works for sure JDK 6 and 7. Here is full example for those who wonder, how to do it:

    windows_package node['name']['JDK1.7']  do
        source                  node['source']['JDK1.7']
        action                  :install
        installer_type          :custom
        options                 "/v\"/qn INSTALLDIR=\\\"#{node['path']['JDK1.7'].gsub('/','\\')}\\\"\""

    JDK 8 has problem though - using this line makes installation of JDK corrupt:

    JDK installation fail

    For JDK 8 worked fine this parameter:

    options     "/s INSTALLDIR=\"#{node['path']['JDK1.8'].gsub('/','\\')}\""

    Thanks for all your efforts!