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Event Handling between parent and child page in polymer 1.0

I have a parent polymer element called parent-page and a child element called child-page.

parent-page calls child page and passes an array with it. for e.g, in parent page:

<child-page items={{itemsArray}}></child-page>

Now, on the basis of certain activity child page fires an event with a new array.

eg, in child page:'eventPerformed', newArray);

This array is being listened by the parent page and received with expected values. Now, I want to pass that new array to the child page such that the child-page is rendered according to the new array.

How to achieve it?

Edit: my child page looks like this.

<dom-module id="child-page">


	<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{itemArray}}" as="fooditem">
		<div class="horizontal layout">
	<paper-button on-click"changeArray"> ChangeArray</paper-button>
<script type="text/javascript">

			this.itemArray=<<Some new Array>>




Is there any way I can call the template repeat with the new array in the same child page? Or do I have to fire an event to the parent-page and call the child page again? How to achieve it either way?


  • The child-page re-renders its template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemArray]]" automatically whenever its itemArray property was updated.

    Just add notify: true to the itemArray property in child-page to enable two-way-binding with the parent-page element. Then the parent-page is also notified whenever the item-array of child-page has changed (see the Polymer documentation on this topic).

    Here is a small complete example:

    <dom-module id="child-page">
        <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[itemArray]]">
        <div on-click="_changeArray">Change</div>
          is: 'child-page',
          properties: {
            itemArray: {type: Array, notify: true}
          _changeArray: function() {
            this.itemArray = [4,5,6,7,8,9];
    <dom-module id="parent-page">
        <span>Item count: </span><span>[[itemArray.length]]</span>
        <child-page item-array="{{itemArray}}"></child-page>
          is: 'parent-page',
          properties: {
            itemArray: {type: Array, value: [1,2,3]}

    Btw. note my usage of {{...}} and [[...]]. Use curly braces for two-way bindings and square brackets for one-way bindings.