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IIS use wrong pt-PT

In .net 4.0, web forms and IIS 8 I have in web.config this:

<globalization culture="pt-PT" uiCulture="pt-PT" />

When I do in C# this:

ltNumber.Text = (12345.12).ToString("N");

I get this: 12 345,12 But the output must be 12.345,12

This began to look bad on windows 10. windows 7 everything was fine. What can be wrong?


  • The numeric ("N") format specifier uses your CurrentCulture settings.

    That means your CurrentCulture has white space as a NumberGroupSeparator and , as a NumberDecimalSeparator.

    enter image description here

    As a solution, you can Clone your CurrentCulture, set these properties what ever you want, and use that culture as a second parameter in your ToString method. Like;

    var clone = (CultureInfo) CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone();
    clone.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";
    clone.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = ".";
    ltNumber.Text = (12345.12).ToString("N", clone); // 12.345,12

    I don't think these properties are changed based on operating system versions. It all about which culture settings you use.