I am trying to build an android app and I need a MultiSelectListPreference
option in the settings menu. I have created a PreferenceActivity
to handle this and I created a preferences.xml
file as well, but I need to be able to load the list elements dynamically in the program. I know that I need to use the setEntries
and setEntryValues
methods to do this, but when I use these methods no exceptions are thrown and the title and summary of the MultiSelectListPreferenc
show up but no elements appear.
I have verified that the arrays I am using to populate entries
and entryValues
are not empty by printing them out, as well as by printing out the result of getEntries()
and getEntryValues()
after having set
them and both these show the entry list to be populated; however no elements show up.
My preferences.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
android:title="Targeted Apps"
android:summary="Select apps to conditionally disable" />
My AppSettings.java
public class AppSettings extends PreferenceActivity {
public static MultiSelectListPreference blocked;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
blocked = new MultiSelectListPreference(this);
getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(android.R.id.content, new PrefFrag()).commit();
public static class PrefFrag extends PreferenceFragment {
public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
MultiSelectListPreference blocked = (MultiSelectListPreference)findPreference("markedApps");
if (blocked == null)
Log.e("NullPointerException", "Blocked is null");
CharSequence[] appNames = new CharSequence[AppSelector.Data.appNames.size()];
CharSequence[] allApps = new CharSequence[AppSelector.Data.allApps.size()];
int i = 0;
for (String appName : AppSelector.Data.appNames)
appNames[i++] = (CharSequence) appName;
i = 0;
for (String app : AppSelector.Data.allApps)
allApps[i++] = (CharSequence) app;
Thank you in advance for any help you provide.
Wow so I feel extremely stupid now. Turns out my problem was that I expected the list to show up under the title and summary whereas you actually have to click on the title and summary to make the list pop up.