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belongs_to association returns nil while the has_many works fine

I'm using rails on a legacy database (SQL Server). I'm using the gem composite_primary_keys also... I'm currently working with two models and the home_games association works fine, but the home_team association does not.

class Game < MyDatabaseModel
  self.table_name = 'Game'
  self.primary_key = 'GameID', 'League'

  belongs_to :home_team, class_name: 'Club', foreign_key: 'ClubKey', primary_key: 'Home_Team'

class Club < MyDatabaseModel
  self.table_name = 'Club'
  self.primary_key = 'ClubID', 'Season', 'League'

  has_many :home_games, class_name: 'Game', foreign_key: 'Home_Team', primary_key: 'ClubKey'

Now when I do myClub.home_games I get back the expected result of an ActiveRecordRelation of records. However, when I do myGame.home_team I get a nil object. If I do the following call Club.where(ClubKey: game.Home_Team) I get the expected result of one record from Club. Are my associations not set up correctly?


  • Try switching your :foreign_key and :primary_key in the belongs_to call. These should be the same for both the belongs_to and has_many calls, since they refer to which foreign key on the "child" table references which primary key on the "parent" table in the relation. In your case:

    belongs_to :home_team, class_name: 'Club', foreign_key: 'Home_Team', primary_key: 'ClubKey'