I am trying to import one 3D model of aircraft in java GUI using java3D.It is running fine in my pc.I have created a jar file for it to run on any pc using netbeans. when I tried running this jar file in other pc it is throwing following error:
Unable to create DirectX D3D context. Neither Hardware and Software are available. Please update your video card drivers and get the latest DirectX available at http://microsoft.com/directx
What could be the possible reason for the above issue and how to solve it.
Ensure that your program uses Java3D 1.6.0 instead of Java3D 1.5.2 or earlier (which seems to be the case). Then, install a proper OpenGL driver (get it from the website of the GPU manufacturer, NVidia, AMD or Intel). Look at those tutorials to use Java3D 1.6.0 and make fat JARs:
The maintenance of Java3D 1.5.2 has been stopped several years ago. The JogAmp community maintains only Java3D 1.6.0 as stated here:
Java3D 1.6.0 doesn't rely on Direct3D unlike Java3D 1.5.2. It uses exclusively JOGL to access to hardware acceleration.
Your current message indicates that there is no available driver or that the current one is outdated. Nevertheless, I don't advise you to use an obsolete version of Java3D anyway.