I'd like to serialise some EnumSet<FooType>
to String
using its toString()
E.g.: EnumSet.of(FooType.COMMON, FooType.MEDIUM).toString()
will give [COMMON, MEDIUM]
The question is about an elegant way to deserialise such a string back to the EnumSet<FooSet>
. I'm looking for some commonly known library (may be like apache-commons
) or a standard Util-class for such things.
Something like: EnumSetUtil.valueOf(FooType.class, "[COMMON, MEDIUM]")
I've implemented this thing in such way:
public static <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> valueOf(Class<E> eClass, String str) {
String[] arr = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1).split(",");
EnumSet<E> set = EnumSet.noneOf(eClass);
for (String e : arr) set.add(E.valueOf(eClass, e.trim()));
return set;
But, may be there is a ready solution, or a dramatically easy way for doing this.
With Java 8 you can do something like this with Lambda expressions and streams: