I'm trying to program a maze generator in Java using the DFS-Algorithm
But I ran into a problem. Whenever I run this program, I get a Nullpointerexception
, because the Stack.pop
call returns null at some point (because it gets empty). I couldn't find my error but maybe I'm just too tired :P
The code:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
public class FieldGenerator {
public static Cell[][] getField(int width, int height){
Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
int total = width * height;
Cell[][] retField = new Cell[height][width];
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
retField[y][x] = new Cell(cellstate.UNWALKABLE, x, y);
int xStart = rand.nextInt(width);
int yStart = rand.nextInt(height);
Cell currentCell = retField[yStart][xStart];
Stack<Cell> stack = new Stack<Cell>();
int visited = 1;
while(visited < total){
List<Cell> neighbourList = getNeighbours(currentCell, retField, width, height);
if(neighbourList.size() > 0){ //1 or more neighbours with walls intact
Cell randNeighbour = neighbourList.get(rand.nextInt(neighbourList.size()));
clearWallBetween(currentCell, randNeighbour, retField);
currentCell = randNeighbour;
if(visited >= total)
currentCell = stack.pop();
return retField;
private static List<Cell> getNeighbours(Cell searchCell, Cell[][] searchField, int width, int height){
List<Cell> retList = new ArrayList<Cell>();
int x = searchCell.getx();
int y = searchCell.gety();
if(findCellByCoordinates(x, y-2, width, height, searchField) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x, y-2, width, height, searchField).getCell_state() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE){ //Top
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x, y-2, width, height, searchField));
if(findCellByCoordinates(x-2, y, width, height, searchField) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x-2, y, width, height, searchField).getCell_state() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE) { //Left
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x-2, y, width, height, searchField));
if(findCellByCoordinates(x+2, y, width, height, searchField) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x+2, y, width, height, searchField).getCell_state() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE) { //Right
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x+2, y, width, height, searchField));
if(findCellByCoordinates(x, y+2, width, height, searchField) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x, y+2, width, height, searchField).getCell_state() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE) { //Bottom
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x, y+2, width, height, searchField));
return retList;
private static Cell findCellByCoordinates(int xcoord, int ycoord, int width, int height, Cell[][] field){
if(xcoord >= width || xcoord < 0 || ycoord >= height || ycoord < 0) {
return null;
return field[ycoord][xcoord];
private static void clearWallBetween(Cell cell1, Cell cell2, Cell[][] field){
int x = ((cell1.getx() + cell2.getx()) / 2);
int y = ((cell1.gety() + cell2.gety()) / 2);
Ok. Thanks to Kenney for helping me. I added a "dead end"-condition and now it works like a charm! Here the full source of the working class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
public class FieldGenerator {
private int _width;
private int _height;
private Cell[][] _field;
public FieldGenerator(int width, int height){
_width = width;
_height = height;
_field = new Cell[height][width];
public Cell[][] getField(){
Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
int total = _width * _height;
for(int y = 0; y < _height; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < _width; x++){
_field[y][x] = new Cell(cellstate.UNWALKABLE, x, y);
int xStart = rand.nextInt(_width);
int yStart = rand.nextInt(_height);
Cell currentCell = _field[yStart][xStart];
Stack<Cell> stack = new Stack<Cell>();
int visited = 1;
while (visited < total){
List<Cell> neighbourList = getNeighbours(currentCell);
if(neighbourList.size() > 0){ //1 or more neighbours with walls intact
Cell randNeighbour = neighbourList.get(rand.nextInt(neighbourList.size()));
clearWallBetween(currentCell, randNeighbour);
currentCell = randNeighbour;
if(visited >= total)
if(!stack.isEmpty()) {
currentCell = stack.pop();
}else {
return _field;
return _field;
private List<Cell> getNeighbours(Cell searchCell){
List<Cell> retList = new ArrayList<Cell>();
int x = searchCell.getx();
int y = searchCell.gety();
if(findCellByCoordinates(x, y-2) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x, y-2).getCellstate() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE){ //Top
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x, y-2));
if(findCellByCoordinates(x-2, y) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x-2, y).getCellstate() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE) { //Left
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x-2, y));
if(findCellByCoordinates(x+2, y) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x+2, y).getCellstate() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE) { //Right
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x+2, y));
if(findCellByCoordinates(x, y+2) != null && findCellByCoordinates(x, y+2).getCellstate() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE) { //Bottom
retList.add(findCellByCoordinates(x, y+2));
return retList;
private void placeEndPoint(Cell startcell){
Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
int startx = startcell.getx();
int starty = startcell.gety();
int geny = 0;
int genx = 0;
genx = rand.nextInt(_width);
geny = rand.nextInt(_height);
}while((startx == genx && geny == starty) || _field[geny][genx].getCellstate() == cellstate.UNWALKABLE);
private Cell findCellByCoordinates(int xcoord, int ycoord){
if(xcoord >= _width || xcoord < 0 || ycoord >= _height || ycoord < 0) {
return null;
return _field[ycoord][xcoord];
private Cell findCellByState(cellstate searchstate){
for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
if(_field[y][x].getCellstate() == searchstate){
return _field[y][x];
return null;
private void clearWallBetween(Cell cell1, Cell cell2){
if(cell2.getCellstate() != cellstate.STARTINGPOINT || cell2.getCellstate() != cellstate.ENDINGPOINT)
int x = ((cell1.getx() + cell2.getx()) / 2);
int y = ((cell1.gety() + cell2.gety()) / 2);