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MobileFirst 7.0 network checking always fetched with "WIFI"

I'm following the javasript client side API to do a detection of end-user network. The following code always seems to be fetched with a return value of "WIFI";

var netWorkType = "";
var isNWConnected = false;
WL.Device.getNetworkInfo(function (networkInfo) {
    isNWConnected = networkInfo.isNetworkConnected; //here, API seems to return a String value of "true" or "false" not boolean type
    netWorkType = networkInfo.networkConnectionType;
    if(isNWConnected == "true"){
        var str = "you are connecting with a " + netWorkType + " network";
    } else {
        alert("NONE, checking your cellphone networking setting");

On my iPhone 5s with iOS 8.4, 2G/3G or 4G carrier network return with "WIFI".

I don't know whether it's a bug of WL or maybe I'm doing somethin' wrong...

btw: MobileFirst 7.0 Server version:


  • Looks like it indeed always returns wifi. This is a bug.

    You'll need to open a PMR (support ticket) to have the development team investigate and provide a fix.

    As a workaround you can use the Connection API provided by Cordova. I tested it and it returns the expected result: