I am trying to populate a dropdownbox in SAPUI5 from a json
new sap.ui.commons.DropdownBox(this.createId('inpExpenseType'), {
selectedKey: '{ExpenseType/Id}',
editable: '{/CanEditPayment}',
required: "{/CanEditPayment}",
displaySecondaryValues: true,
items: {
path: 'parameters>/Benefits',
template: new sap.ui.core.ListItem(this.createId('liExpenseType'), {
key: '{parameters>Id}',
text: '{parameters>Name}',
additionalText: '{parameters>Code}'
layoutData: new sap.ui.layout.GridData({span: 'L6 M6 S6'})
Now based on a condition for eg. if(status==='Approved'), I wish to show only one option in the dropdownbox. I used the below filter to get this done.
//this is the option I wish to display in the dropdownbox.
aFilters.push(new sap.ui.model.Filter("Id", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, "33"));
odropdownbox.bindItems('parameters>/Benefits', oTemplate, null, aFilters);
Now my problem is that this single option is getting defaulted in the dropdownbox so the onChange event would not be triggered.
I tried to default a blank item as below
var oItem = new sap.ui.core.ListItem({
key: 'dummy',
text: '',
additionalText: ''
But this does not make any difference and I see the single option populated as default.
How can I solve this? Is there some clean way to manipulate the json list?
No need to add the new item.
Use fireChange after you bind the items so that you have no issues.
odropdownbox.bindItems('parameters>/Benefits', oTemplate, null, aFilters);