I'm trying to replace grunt-scss-lint (because of its Ruby dependency and silent failure when you don't have the gem installed) with stylelint.
The problem I'm running into is the following error:
$ grunt
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> ReferenceError: Map is not defined
I assume this is because stylelint (which is a PostCSS plugin, not a Grunt plugin) requires ES6.
Here's the code that's throwing the Map is not defined
Is there any way to get this to work where I can just run grunt
and not some weird workaround like this?
Looks like you just need to upgrade your version of Node. If you run 0.12 or higher, you shouldn't have troubles with Map. (The --harmony
flag that makes that "weird workaround" weird is not required in 0.12+.)
The Node installation is independent of Grunt. Run node -v
to see what's there. And if you need an upgrade, just use nodejs.org to get the latest.