Could you recommend some lightweight jQuery plugin to detect if fields specified by selector have changed?
E.g. like this one on SO, showing confirmation dialog when I want to reload page during post edition.
This is too basic/specific a functionality to likely have its own plugin.
All you need to do is store a boolean value that gets set to true if any element is changed:
var changed = false;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.watch-for-changes').change(function() {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if (hasChanged()) {
return "There are unsaved changes on the page.";
function change() {
changed = true;
// use this to programmatically change an input field
function changeValue(elField, value) {
function hasChanged() {
return changed;
Edit: previous use of onbeforeunload
was incorrect. See this page for more details on its usage.