Today i was working on a PHP project and came across this code behaviour
$x = 5.5;
$y = 0;
echo $z = floor($x * $y * -1);
This gave the output of -0
Can anyone shed light on why this echoes -0
. But I expected 0
Only when adding floor this appears to happen.
I tried the same in java.
class Sample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
float x =5.5f;
int y = 0;
This also prints -0.0
and double
have both a positive 0 and a negative 0. When you multiple 0 * -1 you get -0 as specified in the IEEE 754 standard.
Note: 1/0 is positive infinity but 1/-0 is negative infinity.
You can see that
System.out.println(0f * -1);
Math.floor is not required.