I use client access driver to make sql calls to IBM i (an iSeries). When using the driver I can specify a library list that will be used when issuing sql commands/functions.
I now need to access an iSeries from C# and make calls to CL/RPGLE programs. I found that I can create an AS400System object after adding a reference to cwbx.dll. However, I am not sure how to set a library list and am having trouble finding documentation on cwbx.dll. Has anyone else been able to use this object to set a library list?
Per this doc: "CWBX.DLL (The Programmatic interface) allows to do Data Transfer operations programmatically"
That's not what you're wanting to do.
You probably want to use the DB2 for i .NET provider.
Documentation for the provider is installed when you select "Programmer's Toolkit" during the IBm iAccess installation.
Did a little more digging, documentation for CWBX.DLL can be found in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\MRI2924\cwbx.hlp
It doesn't appear that you can manipulate the library list for a command. Only a data transfer via the DatabaseUserLibraryList object.
The recommended way to call RPGLE / CL from .NET would be call them as an SQL stored procedure. Technically, given the object based nature of the OS, every *PGM (or procedure in a *SRVPGM) object on the box is already a stored procedure and can be called implicitly using the SQL call command. However, it's beneficial and recommended to explicitly define the RPG / CL interface to the DB using the CREATE PROCEDURE
statement with the EXTERNAL NAME
clause as shown below.
example from this article
Assume you have a *PGM named CUSTINFO, with the following program interface (aka *ENTRY PLIST)
D CustInfo PI
D CustNo 5P 0
D Name 15A
D City 25A
D State 2A
D Active 1P 0
Where CustNo is input, the rest of the parms are used as output. Then you can explicitly define this program as an SQL stored procedure simply by running the following:
(IN CustNo DEC (5,0), OUT Name CHAR (15), OUT City CHAR(25),
OUT St CHAR(2), OUT Act DEC(1,0))