I have an IdentificationView that has to call a method of another view in different app:
var NameAndIdentificationView = Application.Views.ItemView.extend({
loadMailingAddressView: function() {
//call to mailing address view method setAddress() from here
Now my MailingAddressView is something like this:
var MailingAddressView= Application.Views.ItemView.extend({
setAddress: function(address) {
if (address != null) {
// this.autoCompleteBox.data('inputData') = address;
this.model.set('mailingAddress', address);
I would like to know what is the way to call a method of one view from another. Please provide suggestions.
This is how my application has been setup:
So from within my NameIdentificationView, I'm calling the MailingAddress app that in turn controls all the process of calling the controller and it's view.
You can do it many ways using event channel,triggering and listening events on shared model, the simpler way of doing this is using Bsckbone events.
Trigger a event in caller
loadMailingAddressView: function () {
//call to mailing address view method setAddress() from here
and listen in callee's initalize
var MailingAddressView = Application.Views.ItemView.extend({
initialize: function() {
Backbone.on('setAddress', this.setAddress)
setAddress: function(address) {
if (address != null) {
// this.autoCompleteBox.data('inputData') = address;
this.model.set('mailingAddress', address);
make sure callee View is initialized by the time you trigger event