I've got this jQuery, derived from what was posted by Gregor Primar here:
/* Whenever boxGrandTotal changes (which it does when any amount is entered in any of the "amount" input text elements), disable the save button if there is a discrepancy between the totals */
$(document).on("change", '[id$=boxGrandTotal]', function () {
//var savebutton = $("[id$=btnSave]");
alert('entered the change handler for boxGrandTotal');
var savebutton = document.getElementById('[id$=btnSave]');
var payment = parseFloat(document.getElementById('[id$=boxPaymentAmount]').value).toFixed(2);
var total = parseFloat(document.getElementById('[id$=boxGrandTotal]').value).toFixed(2);
if (payment == null) payment = 0;
if (total == null) total = 0;
if (payment == total) {
savebutton.attr("disabled", false);
return true;
} else {
alert('Total and Payment Total do not match. Please enter the same amount for both values and try again!');
savebutton.attr("disabled", true);
return false;
This should fire any time boxGrandTotal is updated, right? It is, indeed, being updated, but I never see "entered the change handler for boxGrandTotal"
And there is a TextBox / text input element whose ID ends with "boxGrandTotal"; here is how it is created in the code-behind:
boxGrandTotal = new TextBox()
CssClass = "dplatypus-webform-field-input",
ID = "boxGrandTotal"
So why is the 'change' handler not firing, when the value in boxGrandTotal is changing? Does it only fire if the value is manually changed? If so, what is a workaround?
In response to kalkanbatuhan's suggestion, changing my code-behind to this:
boxGrandTotal = new TextBox()
CssClass = "dplatypus-webform-field-input",
ID = "boxGrandTotal",
ClientIDMode = System.Web.UI.ClientIDMode.Static
...emits two compiler-borne errors, to be specific:
'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox' does not contain a definition for 'ClientIDMode'
The type or namespace name 'ClientIDMode' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.UI' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
BTW*, this is how the value in boxGrandTotal gets changed:
$(document).on("blur", '.amountbox', function (e) {
var amount1 = $('[id$=boxAmount1]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxAmount1]').val()) : 0;
var amount2 = $('[id$=boxAmount2]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxAmount2]').val()) : 0;
var amount3 = $('[id$=boxAmount3]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxAmount3]').val()) : 0;
var amount4 = $('[id$=boxAmount4]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxAmount4]').val()) : 0;
var amount5 = $('[id$=boxAmount5]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxAmount5]').val()) : 0;
var grandtotal = amount1 + amount2 + amount3 + amount4 + amount5;
The solution is to add a ".trigger("change")" to the code that assigns the value, so that, instead of being this:
...it is this:
In more detail, the change event has to be explicitly fired when the value is changed (notice the appended ".trigger()" jazz):
$(document).on("blur", '.amountbox', function (e) {
var amount1 = $('[id$=boxAmount1]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxAmount1]').val()) : 0;
. . .
var grandtotal = amount1 + amount2 + amount3 + amount4 + amount5;
...and then this code works pretty well:
/* Whenever boxGrandTotal changes (which it does when any amount is entered in any of the "amount" input text elements), disable the save button if there is a discrepancy between the totals */
$(document).on("change", '[id$=boxGrandTotal]', function () {
var savebutton = document.getElementById('[id$=btnSave]');
var payment = $('[id$=boxPaymentAmount]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxPaymentAmount]').val()) : 0;
var total = $('[id$=boxGrandTotal]').val() != '' ? parseFloat($('[id$=boxGrandTotal]').val()) : 0;
if (payment == null) payment = 0;
if (total == null) total = 0;
if (payment == total) {
savebutton.attr("disabled", false);
return true;
} else {
alert('Total and Payment Total do not match. Please enter the same amount for both values and try again!');
//savebutton.attr("disabled", true);
savebutton.prop("disabled", true);
return false;
I say "pretty well" rather than "stupendously splendiferous", because the save button is not being disabled.