I am creating a client library for an API endpoint using Unirest
to simulate GET
and POST
requests. Once the program finishes, the following code must be called in order to terminate the current thread.
Unirest.shutdown(); // must be called in order to clear the high CPU consuming thread
Is there any possible way implicitly call this in my client library at the end of the program's execution?
Yes - your best option is likely a Shutdown Hook. It will be called/executed when the JVM is terminating. As an example:
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("JVM shutting down, closing Unirest");
You should ideally call the addShutdownHook()
method as soon as possible, after you have started the Unirest service.