Is there a way to make sure the order on how subscribers get updated is ensured?
I've got a hot observable and my first subscriber does some sync work to update a variable and my next subscriber then has to initialise a service (only once!), and only after that variable is ensured to be set!
it looks like this:
import App from './App'
var appSource = App.init() // gets the hot observable
// our second subscriber
appSource.take(1).subscribe(() => {
// take 1 to only run this once
where App.init
looks like this:
init() {
var source = this.createObservable() // returns a hot interval observable that fetches a resource every few minutes
// first subscriber, updates the `myVar` every few minutes
source.subscribe((data) => this.myVar = data)
return source
this currently works, but I am unsure if it will always follow the order 100%.
As I've heard, subscribers will be invoked FIFO. So the order is somewhat assured.
I don't know if RxJS ever explicitly guarantees that observers are called in order of subscription. But, as you say, it usually works.
However, you might consider modelling your actual workflow instead of relying on implicit observer order.
It sounds like you need to know when your app is initialized so you can take further action. Instead of relying on knowledge of the internal workings of App.init
, App
could expose an API for this:
One (non-Rx way) is to let the caller supply a callback to init
init(callback) {
var source = this.createObservable() // returns a hot interval observable that fetches a resource every few minutes
// first subscriber, updates the `myVar` every few minutes
source.subscribe((data) => {
this.myVar = data;
if (callback) {
callback = undefined;
return source
// elsewhere
App.init(() => nextService.init());
Another option instead of a callback is to just have init
return a Promise
that your resolve (or an Rx.AsyncSubject
that you signal) once initialization is complete.
And yet another option, but requires a bit of a refactor, is to model this.myVar
as the observable data that it is. i.e.:
init() {
this.myVar = this.createObservable().replay(1);
// returns an observable that signals when we are initialized
return this.myVar.first();
// elsewhere, you end up with this pattern...
const servicesToInit = [ App, service1, service2, service3 ];
.concatMap(s => Rx.Observable.defer(() => s.init()))
.subscribe(results => {
// all initializations complete
// results is an array containing the value returned by each service's init observable
Now, anything that wants to make use of myVar
would always need to subscribe to it in someway to get the current and/or future values. They could never just synchronously ask for the current value.