I have the following element defined:
<dom-module id="my-element">
:host {
display: block;
google-map {
height: 600px;
<geo-location highAccuracy watchpos latitude="{{lat}}" longitude="{{lng}}"></geo-location>
<google-map id="myMap" latitude="{{lat}}" longitude="{{lng}}" dragEvents="true" zoom="16"></google-map>
<small>Latitude: <b>{{lat}}</b></small><br>
<small>Longitude: <b>{{lng}}</b></small><br>
(function() {
is: 'my-element',
ready: function() {
this.$.myMap.addEventListener('google-map-dragend', function(e) {
alert('Map has moved.');
However, the event listener does not work at all. I've tried calling it in various places but with no success. I'd like to have the event listener call a function every time the user drags the map.
I'm using Polymer 1.0 with Eric Bidelman's excellent geo-locate component. Here is the Documentation for google-map component.
Turns out that the event listener is in the correct place as the ready
attribute fires only when all components on a page have finished loading.
The mistake that I made was actually a convention issue as attributes in the Polymer documentation get translated to code by using '-'es to separate words. I remember reading somewhere in the documentation that attributes should be delimited with dashes in the HTML:
should be drag-events="true"
Now it works fine.