I want to get the string value between ";L0|" and ";GTSet" from the following type of strings.
var test = "GP0|#9d72d96c-407f-4e45-b2e6-9361faf5808a;L0|#09d72d96c-407f-4e45-b2e6-9361faf5808a|Travel;GTSet|#ac96f075-b7d2-4e90-8dc2-da8875f395fc";
var test2 = "GP0|#15a06b93-f7aa-4dda-b0d6-7bf2d2905f27;L0|#015a06b93-f7aa-4dda-b0d6-7bf2d2905f27|Special Event;GTSet|#ac96f075-b7d2-4e90-8dc2-da8875f395fc";
Here is what i have done already.
var str = test2.match(";L0|" + "(.*?)" + ";GTSet");
and this returns a string from the very beginning till the ";GTSet"
I guess you are getting this value from SharePoint Search results, right? If so, according to Automatically created managed properties in SharePoint Server 2013:
Data format for Managed Metadata.
To query for items tagged with a Managed Metadata field, you have to use the Unique Identifier for each label. You can find the Unique Identifier for each term in a term set in the Term Store Management Tool, on the GENERAL tab. In addition, the data format that is used in the query has to specify from which level in the term set the query should apply. This specification is set by adding one of the following prefixes to the Unique Identifier:
- To query for all items that are tagged with a term:
- To query for all items that are tagged with a child of term:
- To query for all items that are tagged with a term from a term set:
Based on this information the following example demonstrates how to parse search result value for managed metadata:
function parseTaxonomySearchResultValue(val){
var taxValue = {TermSetGuids: [], TermValues: []};
var parts = val.split(';');
if (part.startsWith("GP0|#")) //term?
var termGuid = part.replace("GP0|#", "");
taxValue.TermValues.push({ TermGuid: termGuid});
else if (part.startsWith("GTSet|#")) //term set?
taxValue.TermSetGuids.push(part.replace("GTSet|#", ""));
else if (part.startsWith("L0|#")) //Term with label?
var termParts = part.replace("L0|#0", "").split('|');
var termGuid = termParts[0];
var termLabel = termParts[1];
var result = taxValue.TermValues.filter(function(tv){
return tv.TermGuid == termGuid;
if (result.length == 0)
taxValue.TermValues.push({TermGuid : termGuid, Label : termLabel});
result[0].Label = termLabel;
return taxValue;
var taxValue = 'GP0|#9d72d96c-407f-4e45-b2e6-9361faf5808a;L0|#09d72d96c-407f-4e45-b2e6-9361faf5808a|Travel;GTSet|#ac96f075-b7d2-4e90-8dc2-da8875f395fc';
var taxValue = parseTaxonomySearchResultValue(taxValue);
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = "Term info:<br/>" + "Guid= " + taxValue.TermValues[0].TermGuid + "<br/> Label= " + taxValue.TermValues[0].Label;
<div id='output'/>