I am using siteMesh 2.4.2 with Spring Frameworks 4.1. The UI was built as head/content/footer style.
Which is fine for most situation. But When I try to generate a printable view, I found I can't do it, as all JSP were wrapped in that style.
How I can simply not apply SiteMesh decorators? But just request plain JSP directly without using MAV style to put everything in decorated frames.
I tried follow instruction by
I added printable mapper to my sitemesh.xml as:
<mapper class="com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.mapper.PrintableDecoratorMapper">
<param name="decorator" value="printable" />
<param name="parameter.name" value="printable" />
<param name="parameter.value" value="true" />
and Then I add meta to my JSP header as:
<meta name="decorator" content="printable">
And I also tried to pass it as parameter in my controller such as:
The result is same, the frames (header, footer) are still here.
Any idea?? Please help!
After about couple of weeks thinking and trying, I nearly give up to get it fix.
Accidentally, I found my printable JSP url is not my expected as I don't see the parameter "printable=true". Suddenly, I found out why, this may help some one else who is in my situation.
In my situation, I used ModelAndView to bring up the my printable view from Spring MVC controller by using ".setViewName" call and I put the parameter in to my JSP by appended "printable=true" at the end. This is totally wrong.
The correct way is: Have to put the "printable=true" at the end of request mapping path when I call the controller from other JSP. When I did it, printable view was displayed as I expected.
This is what looks like:
<a class="button" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/printPlacementEntityByPartner?placementIdKey=${placemententity.placementId}&printable=true&">
Hope this will help some one else when who in my situation.