I'm running the BackgroundSubtractor demo in opencv3.0-gold-release with vs2013, while the following error occurs when exiting the program:
the callstack is as follows:
cv3_bg_sub.exe!cv::MatAllocator::unmap(cv::UMatData * u) 行 62 C++
cv3_bg_sub.exe!cv::Mat::deallocate() 行 433 C++
cv3_bg_sub.exe!cv::Mat::release() 行 668 C++
cv3_bg_sub.exe!cv::Mat::~Mat() 行 555 C++
The var this
in the auto-window shows inconsistently:
Anyone who has experienced this?
The issue was finally solved by changing lib dependencies from staticlib
to dynamic libs, seems the pre-built staticlib is buggy (anyone who has the same experience?)
I've rebuilt (both static and dynamic) opencv300 source code on my own, and the errors are gone.